Above is my V&R Map of the digital applications I use daily. Although I use all of these platforms daily I tend to gravitate towards more than others. Digital applications I use more frequently are Instagram, Brightspace, Youtube, Tiktok, Email, Snapchat, and Facebook. Each application is placed accordingly to how I see them being represented in my life. 

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

Today students are currently using online platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, Indeed, and Reddit to develop a strong professional network. I personally use digital platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter as my main sources for developing my professional network. I typically see young adults gravitating towards using the platform Instagram to promote themselves professionally. Instagram gives users the opportunity to post photos, videos, stories and comments to endorse a product/company that they may be a part of. Instagram has an enormous range of users talking about certain products and companies. I typically come across users endorsing hair care and makeup, modeling for clothes, and providing deals on hotels and car rentals. Developing your professional network can be an easy task to achieve. However, keeping your professional and personal life from intertwining can be slightly more challenging for some users. Some individuals enjoy broadcasting everything they do on social media. A downside to that, is that users tend to not represent themselves appropriately on their personal accounts. It is important to represent yourself appropriately on both your personal and professional networks.

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

Students can expand their professional learning network by joining Twitter groups, Clubs and groups on campus that align with their professional goals, and searching/joining websites or blogs that discuss their career. Students can also consider making their own platform such as on Twitter or a blog website to express their thoughts, goals and achievements professionally. 

If students choose to monitor their own professional network they will need to continue to update and share content with other professionals. By continuing to update your PLN it will show other professionals your current mindset and goals. 

In your network how can you create a digital identity/reputation?

Your digital identity and reputation is created through liking, sharing, and commenting on posts. Posts that are shared for the world to see need to be done strategically. Everything posted on the media has a way of getting around even once it is deleted. It is extremely important to share content that best represents you and the professionalism you want to display. 

Find out what a local employer would do if you applied for a job with them?

When individuals apply for a job one of the first things most employers do is begin a background check. Employers will do this in order to not have anything from the individuals past be brought up that could potentially harm the business and the businesses reputation. When an employer does a background check on you and they come across photos of you partying, doing drugs, being in jail etc, the chances of you receiving the job will be slim to none. It is important to google yourself often to ensure no information or photos are broadcasting you in a negative way. 

Discover what an employer would find based on your V+R Map if you applied for a job with them?

If I were to apply for a job, the employer would discover that I use media platforms such as Instagram to express who I am and display myself and my friends. However, they will also see that it is done professionally and broadcast myself as being friendly and social. The employer would also see that I use my email daily. I am constantly checking my emails for updates on school, news, and from professors. My V+R map displays that I use a wide range of social media platforms. This can be seen as an advantage for some companies since I have previous knowledge using these digital media platforms. 

This Week I engaged with Tanvir’s and Caitlin’s blog post! Here are the links!