20 Tips for Creating a Professional Learning Network. (2013, Jan 17). Getting Smart. https://www.gettingsmart.com/2013/01/17/20-tips-for-creating-a-professional-learning-network/

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

The benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN is providing everyone of different backgrounds the chance to be heard. Adopting diversity in your PLN gathers individuals with  different careers, religions, race, education etc. When your PLN also is inclusive it creates an environment where all voices are given the chance to be heard. Both diversity and inclusiveness allow individuals to feel supported. In the interview with Markiel Simpson he talks about the importance of continuing to advocate and amplify voices within the community. This can be achieved through a simple retweet on an individual’s post. Retweeting spreads the message to other followers who may not have been educated on the topic. 

There are numerous benefits and risks to sharing your own thoughts and opinions on social media. A benefit can include bringing awareness to a specific issue that is important to you. This can also create a space to gather individuals who are also passionate about the same topic as you. This also ties into being a potential risk, due to individuals being further educated on a specific topic than you are. If you use the wrong terminology or not express the full context to your tweet it can be misinterpreted wrong. As Markiel Simpson points out it is important to build up “alliances and allegiances and work in a tactful way so that you don’t have people” going against you. It is important to use appropriate language and provide context in order to achieve expressing your thoughts within social media in a respectful way.

I interacted with Zhefu and Tanvir’s blog post this week! 


Miller. (2021, June 1). EDCI-338 MARKIEL SIMPSON. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsoDHGaXNNs